29 August 2012

Some people are just too greedy

More then a 3 year ago my Toyota Vios key fob was.....

Too much opening and locking car caused the rubber to wear out and create holes. I used the spare and after another 2 years of using the same thing happened. So instead of paying 85 bucks for Toyota to replace, I got my cousin-in-law to buy me replacements and I just replace the top cover. The original replacement only cost me 45 bucks each.

However about 2 months back the back part of the key started to disintegrate as well. So I decided to get the key duplicated as I already got the spares. I first went to Wisma Central to ask and they guy wanted to charge me 35 bucks just to cut the spare blank key. I think it was a bit too expensive and my friend told me to check out Carrefour Subang. Unfortunately their machine which can cut the car keys was broken. The 3rd place I checked was Mydin USJ and the stupid idiot wanted to charge me 50 bucks just to cut the blank key.

I basically said "Fark You" in my mind and walked off. I went back to Wisma Central but when I left my key there the boss which cuts the key wasn't there. About 2 weeks ago we had the super delicious nasi lemak at Village park and as we were walking back to our car I decided to go into one of the hardware shop to ask.

The guy told me it cost TWO BUCKS. Unfortunately I didn't have the spare and I vowed to go back to see if it was really 2 back. The next weekend we did go back and I did get my blank duplicated...

See how battered the back part of the key is. The hardware guy actually remembered me and he charged me 3 bucks. However I was so happy that it was finally done that I did pay the fella that extra 1 bucks. Some people are just too greedy to an extend that someone wanted to charge me 50 bucks for something I could have paid 2 bucks for. CRAZY!!!!!

28 August 2012

Gangnam Style

Ok if you do not know what Gangnam style is, I think you have been living under some serious rock under some serious dirt. It is the latest  craze since Shuffling. The best thing is that it is so easy to do that everyone can do it. For those of never seen Gangnam Style here is the original video

Ok once you have see that you  can check this super parody out by the Fly.fm crew. Unfortunately the original is still da best but this is quite malaysian-ise which is like....

It involves the whole crew of fly.fm which is dem cool in my mind. They even did the Gangnam style in 1U wei. That takes balls. Hahaha.

27 August 2012

Since when being Asia is a sickness

I was in Puchong recently and while waiting for my brother I saw this.....

Since when Asia is a sickness the same as Sakit Puan? Do I need to go and get myself checked? Haha

24 August 2012

Bad things just happen to good people

Sometimes bad things just happen to good people. What am I talking about?

I would just like everyone reading this blog to keep an eye on for this car as they drove this car out of his own house and also stole his laptop and iPad. The scarier thing is the fact house keys and car keys were also taken.

Recently there has been alot of crime and I think everyone needs to be more vigilant to their surroundings and take care of themselves and their love ones.

14 August 2012

De-stressing in the office

Once in a while when you are very stressed in the office you need something to break the tension and release the stress. Most of the time people eat or go for a smoke or something. However one day when we got a new keypad for a project and I turned the keypad around and I saw this....

I just couldn't stop laughing my head and and totally released all the stress in the office. Made in China all right. By the way the FCC and CE certification confirm fake. Haha.

12 August 2012

Weird Signs

I know it has been a while since I last blogged. It was a combination of being lazy and being very lazy and being super lazy that caught me out. You get my drift. Anyway a few weeks back my parents came back from their holiday in Tibet. For the life of me I always couldn't remember where they went. Every time someone ask me where they went I would say the place the Dalai Lama comes from.

However that is not the topic of this story, it was when they get back to Malaysia and there were showing me like a guide book of the hotel they were staying at and I saw this...

When you see this sign what is the first thing that comes to your mind? For me it was if you want music while you taking a crapper then call 6200. The other thing was also if you are constipated and need to make a call then call 6200. You got to admit the black thing in front of the person look like a phone. However I was later told you have to call 6200 for.....(you guess first see answer below)

I mean how the heck would I know that looks like sauna. Hahaha.