04 February 2012

Smurftastic Day

Girls can be so very evil when they want to. A couple of my friends who were girls got some nice smurf stickers for De Way who hates smurf more then he hates Hello Kitty. He is willing to trade his smurf book mark with a Hello Kitty Key Chain. That is how much he hates smurf.

So anyway, they passed me the smurf stickers for me to take revenge about the saman I got from De way. We wrote the saman and I came up with the cool saman...

Once we got the saman ready, it took close to almost a week later before this happened...

Someone must have tipped De Way off because I couldn't find his car for over a week. I told the girls who bought the stickers and they said we will be patient and strike when he doesn't expect it. They even wanted to go to his house to do it. Haha.

Finally one day when I was about to drive home, I took a detour to find De Way's car and I was so happy when I spotted it. De Way you have been SAMANED by PAPA SMURF. La la la la la la lets sing a happy song. Hehe.


  1. 1. Good job, JT! :)
    2. "who were girls" <-- the last I checked we're STILL girls! -____-\\
    3. La la la la la la it's a Smurfy day!! :)

  2. Sorry, my bad. Yea you are still girls. Hehe. Must send link to De Way. Haha

  3. Screw y'all! *swings fist*

  4. @Anonymous aka Paul Frank aka Papa Smurf: Hahahah!

  5. Woohoo!!! A+ for the effort JT!! Absolutely brilliant!!

  6. Thank you. Thank you very much. Hehe
